How to customize false eyelashes
Do you customize your false eyelashes? Or do you just buy a new pair, trim them to fit your eye and then glue them on? That’s how I used to use them until I spent some time in Jubilee!
Because we performed on such a massive stage (half the length of a football field wide,) we had to take extra steps to ensure the back row could see our pretty faces!!!
And what would Showgirls be without the biggest, lushest lashes around?
As a Tall Bluebell (the tallest covered line of girl dancers in the show,) I was shown by the girls how to customize my lashes for the stage. And now I’m going to share that trick with you!
As Showgirls, we used two pairs of lashes, or doubles as they sell them now. If you are not already aware, I am kind of a DIY fan, so I prefer to customize over buying from the store.
In the video below, I will show you which eyelashes I use and how I customize them. You can check out this blog post about how I apply my fake eyelashes. I did another post about extending the life of your false eyelashes here.
You will need:
- Two pair of eyelashes in different thicknesses (I use Ardell 152 and Kryolan Showgirl Eyelashes)
- Small, sharp scissors
- Eyelash glue
Let’s go!
I hope that this video helps you to up level your eyelash game!
Athena, aka Gazella
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Amplify You Podcast
A podcast series created to inspire you to take up more space and shine in a world that has conditioned you to be small.