ep 062 Showgirl Deconstructed: Art vs Selling Out featuring Andrew Branche

Showgirls Life | ep 062 Showgirl Deconstructed: Art vs. Selling Out with Andrew Branche

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Hey hey! Are you ready to deconstruct the showgirl some more? Last month, in episode 060, we talked about physical requirements and expectations with Brenda Barrett. And in the first ever Showgirl Deconstructed ep 056 back in July, we talked about how there are no more showgirl shows with Alison Kravenko. 

In this episode we will be discussing the difference between art versus selling out in the dance world. We went all over the place with this one. Talking about what it means to sell out as a dancer, what we think selling out is really about, differences in values as performers, how taking all your lessons as a dancer and using them as a performer makes performing in production shows art, the thrill of being recognized as a dancer on the street just by your walk, and so much more!!

I am so pleased to bring you this conversation with my former dance partner, Andrew Branche. This topic is so dear to our hearts as we both started off loving ballet and joined concert companies and then made our way to production shows, where we truly blossomed into beautiful performers and artists. Enjoy!

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