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Gazealous Studio Replay | Moonlight Revamp Session 2

Gazealous Studio Replay: Moonlight Revamp Session 2

Hey Member! Here is your replay of the livestream. Reposting since the video didn’t integrate properly. Sorry about that! Continuing on with the Moonlight crown revamp, I finished sewing the buckram to the metal sculpture. And explained what’s next. I also shared a bunch of late night sketches I made for upcoming livestream projects!! Let

Gazealous Studio Replay: Moonlight Revamp Session 2 Read More »

Showgirl's Life | Inside Gazealous Studio "Bo" Showgirl crown and body chain introduction

The making of a Showgirl crown, part 1, Inspiration

Welcome back to the Inside Gazealous Studio costume series. This is part one in a series about the crown I lovingly nicknamed “Bo” after the crown of the same nickname from the white principal finale costume in Jubilee designed by Bob Mackie and the body chain that goes with it. In this video, I describe

The making of a Showgirl crown, part 1, Inspiration Read More »

Showgirl's Life | Inside Gazealous Studio Créme Showgirl act costumes introduction and part 3

How I Made Nine Showgirl Costumes for a Burlesque Show, Créme costumes part 3, stats

Hey there! Welcome back!! This is the final post in a three-part series about my Créme Showgirls costumes. If you missed the first two posts, here are links to part one and part two.The video below is all about the stats of these costumes. How much time I spent on each, what was the total

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Showgirl's Life | Inside Gazealous Studio Créme Showgirl act costumes introduction and part 2

How I Made Nine Showgirl Costumes For A Burlesque Show, Créme costumes part 2, process

Welcome to part two of the Créme Showgirl costume series. If you missed part one, you can see it here. I get to discuss my favorite part of making costumes, the design process!! My process is pretty standard when it comes to design:1) Inspiration2) Plan3) Prep4) Construct Some projects skip planning altogether and go straight

How I Made Nine Showgirl Costumes For A Burlesque Show, Créme costumes part 2, process Read More »

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